Thursday, May 24, 2012

JSF - Richfaces Datatable

A very common scenario in UI is to show a data table.

Usually a method gets a list of objects from a database, and we need to present them as a table.

Let us use Richfaces to display such a data table.

In your /src/main/java/org/confucius, create a class called like this:

 package org.confucius;  
 public class Greet {  
      private String language;  
      private String greeting;  
      public Greet(String language, String greeting) {  
           this.language = language;  
           this.greeting = greeting;  
      public String getLanguage() {  
           return language;  
      public void setLanguage(String language) {  
           this.language = language;  
      public String getGreeting() {  
           return greeting;  
      public void setGreeting(String greeting) {  
           this.greeting = greeting;  

In your, create a new method which returns a List of Greet objects, like this:

 package org.confucius;  
 import java.util.ArrayList;  
 import java.util.List;  
 import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;  
 import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;  
 public class HelloBean {  
      private String greeting;  
      public HelloBean(){  
           this.greeting = "Hello World JSF!";  
      public String getGreeting() {  
           return this.greeting;  
      public void setGreeting(String greeting) {  
           this.greeting = greeting;  
      public String getInternationalGreets() {  
           return "international_greets";  
      public String getAmericanGreets() {  
           return "american_greets";  
      public List<Greet> getInternationalGreetsList(){  
           List<Greet> greetList = new ArrayList<Greet>();  
           Greet englishGreet = new Greet("English", "Hello World!");  
           Greet frenchGreet = new Greet("French", "Bonjour tout le Monde!");  
           Greet italianGreet = new Greet("Italian", "Buongiorno a Tutti!");  
           Greet spanishGreet = new Greet("Spanish", "Hola Mundo!");  
           Greet swahiliGreet = new Greet("Swahili", "Jambo!");  
           return greetList;  

Update your international_greets.xhtml to display the Greet objects in a data table, like this:

 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">  
 <html xmlns=""  
       <ui:composition template="/templates/template.xhtml">  
           <ui:define name="title">International Greets</ui:define>  
           <ui:define name="content">  
               <rich:dataTable value="#{helloBean.internationalGreetsList}" var="greet" id="greettable">  
                        <f:facet name="header">  
                          <h:outputText value="Language"/>  
                     <h:outputText value="#{greet.language}"/>                  
                        <f:facet name="header">  
                          <h:outputText value="Greeting"/>  
                     <h:outputText value="#{greet.greeting}"/>                  

The Richfaces DataTable will automatically iterate through the list, and populate the table.

If you rebuild and redeploy HelloWorldJSF, you will see a DataTable displaying all the greets in different languages.

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